Anti-gay Republicans are terrified the new Speaker is a ‘homosexual trojan horse’

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‘Moderate’ Republican Paul Ryan has been elected as Speaker of the US House of Representatives – and homophobes are worried he may allow LGBT equality laws to pass.

Wisconsin congressman Ryan, who was previously Mitt Romney’s running mate during his failed 2012 Presidential bid, was elected to the role today – the most powerful in US politics.

He replaces John Boehner, a staunch Catholic and strong opponent of LGBT rights, who has repeatedly blocked LGBT legislation and prevented it from coming to a vote.

As Speaker, Boehner colluded to prevent the Democrat-sponsored Equality Act and its predecessor the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) – which would introduce LGBT workplace protections – from ever coming to a vote.

However, homophobic lobbying groups and right-wingers are concerned about Ryan’s mixed record on equality issues.

Though the new Speaker, who picked up 236 of the 432 votes, was a strong opponent of same-sex marriage, his record is confused on LGBT rights in general.

Ryan voted with his party against hate crime legislation covering LGBT people, and also fell in line to opposed the repeal of gay military ban ‘Don’t Ask Don’t Tell’ – but had previously broken ranks to support ENDA.

The New Civil Rights Movement notes he backed a version of the anti-discrimination law in 2007 that would have banned discrimination against gays, lesbians, and bisexuals in the workplace.

He has reaffirmed his support this year, adding: “I would vote the same way I voted the last time it came around.

“They didn’t roll out of bed one morning and choose to be gay. That’s who they are.”

Ryan has also backed adoption for same-sex couples.

Anti-LGBT groups have issued dire warnings that Ryan may not continue Boehner’s block on LGBT equality laws.

Activist Eugene Delgaudio of listed hate group Public Advocate of the United States has taken out ads warning about Ryan.
Anti-gay Republicans are terrified the new Speaker is a ‘homosexual trojan horse’
The hate group claims “Stop Paul Ryan, the homosexual lobby’s trojan horse for Speaker”.

“Paul Ryan co-sponsored and voted for the dangerous Gay Bill of Special Rights (sic) in 2007 … a bill that will trample the Constitutional Rights of thousands of Americans.

“Now, Ryan thinks he can hide from his past record of voting to throw conservatives under the bus as he runs for the most powerful position in the House.”
Anti-gay Republicans are terrified the new Speaker is a ‘homosexual trojan horse’
Unfortunately for the group, Ryan has been elected – though it’s unclear if he will end the block on LGBT issues.

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