Watch: Seth Myers demolishes transphobic ‘bathroom myths’

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Late Night host Seth Myers has demolished suggestions that trans people want to infiltrate bathrooms and sexually abuse people.

Earlier this week residents of Houston, Texas voted overwhelmingly to overturn anti-discrimination protections for LGBT people by a margin of 61% for, 39% against.

Activists have cited a prolonged scaremongering campaign for the result, with anti-LGBT groups and media perpetuating transphobic ‘myths’ from those who claimed the ordinance would allow sexual predators access to children.

(Getty Images)

Speaking on the Late Night show, Seth Myers told his audience: “So the ads focused exclusively on the bathroom issue even though the law had nothing to do with that. There’s also no evidence that this has ever been a problem in places that do have these laws.

“I’ve never been in a women’s restroom, but I am guessing the booties aren’t just out for everyone to look at! And if they are, I’m pretty sure you are doing something wrong!

“Also the restroom is the five minutes of the day that you DON’T want to see the booty, that’s when the booty is busy!”

Watch the full clip below:

Earlier this week Oscar-winning actress Sally Fields campaigned for keeping HERO, calling opponent’s claims “lies.”

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