Gay dating app Hornet erects billboard opposite Republican debate

PinkNews logo on a pink background surrounded by illustrated line drawings of a rainbow, pride flag, unicorn and more.

The popular gay dating app has erected the sign opposite the venue for the fourth Republican presidential primary debate.

The colourful poster features a cartoon elephant named Trunk, whose ginger quiff bears a striking resemblance to that of a certain of Republican presidential candidate…

The image also shows a unicorn draped in the American Flag, asking Trunk what it is that he is “Into?”

Gay dating app Hornet erects billboard opposite Republican debate

Trunk – dressed in business suit and read tie – says that he is “Open to debate.”

In addition, a text message pictured on a phone to the right of Trunk reads: “I have so many fabulous friends!”

This is, of course, a reference to a 2011 Donald Trunk Trump quote in which the former Apprentice star opposed the idea of marriage equality.

“I have so many fabulous friends who happen to be gay,” he said at the time. “But I am a traditionalist.”

Hornet says it posted the billboard to draw attention to the lack of discussion centred around LGBT rights at previous Republican debates.

By contrast, Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton has consistently raised issues effecting the LGBT community – admitting that her opinion on same-sex marriage has “evolved”.

A spokesperson for the popular app – which boasts over 7 million users worldwide – said it was important for gay men to “interject” themselves in politics, as many still don’t “enjoy full equality”.

Gay dating app Hornet erects billboard opposite Republican debate

“We wanted to inject some humour and poke fun at the race,” they told Newsweek.

“For most gay men around the world, they don’t enjoy full equality, so it is important that at a debate like this we interject ourselves into politics even if the candidates aren’t talking about our issues.”

Whether the billboard has the desired effect remains to be seen – in the meantime, Republican candidates continue to issue their own laughable, albeit toxic, statements about LGBT people.

Frontrunner Ben Carson said earlier this year that prisons prove being gay is “absolutely” a choice, and has compared homosexuality to bestiality and paedophilia

He has also claimed that he doesn’t believe gay rights are civil rights – because there were never separate ‘gay’ water fountains.

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