Genderfluid actress Ruby Rose named Australia’s Woman of the Year

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a white background.

Orange is the New Black star Ruby Rose has been named Australia’s Woman of the Year.

The model-turned-actress broke through into the mainstream this year, after her appearance as Stella on the mainstream drama.

Rose has had to deal with an unconventional path to fame. most notably having to deal with turning the whole internet into lesbians.

Picking up her Woman of the Year Award at the GQ Men of the Year Awards this week, she joked: “[There’s one award for a woman]… and it goes to the biggest dude!”
Genderfluid actress Ruby Rose named Australia’s Woman of the Year

Speaking about her homeland, the actress said: “What Australia taught me was to be fearless and to be true to myself.

“Not every woman, and not every human in the world gets to do that and be that. I do, and I get celebrated for it.

“What I really want is that for everybody. I want everybody to be celebrated and true, and to be able to be honest with themselves.”

The actress thanked her fiancée Phoebe Dahl in the speech.

She added that as her career takes her outside of Australia more often, she is struck by the lack of progress on equal marriage in her home country.
Genderfluid actress Ruby Rose named Australia’s Woman of the Year
The actress said: “One of the huge things is that everywhere else I go in the world, same-sex couples can get married.

“Literally every state in America now, which is kind of crazy when you think about liberal cities like Melbourne and Sydney that are very free and open, and yet you can’t get married.

“There are places in America where people potentially are not happy with that decision, but have to go by it.

“That’s how I feel it should just be… New Zealand is so close to here, and you can get married there. That’s one of the things I’m so confused by!”

Watch the clip below:

Caitlyn Jenner was named Woman of the Year by Glamour Magazine in the US.

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