Comments on Lily Allen’s post about Trans Awareness Week show exactly why we need it

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To mark Transgender Awareness Week, Lily Allen posted a meme to her Facebook page.

The post reads “gender is up here”, pointing to a brain, “not down there”, pointing to some underpants.

However the post attracted a number a transphobic comments.

Lily Allen

Fans said she was “incorrect”, and even suggested the ‘Smile’ singer is on drugs.

Despite the number of ignorant comments, some stood up for Allen, and commended her for sharing the post, which has been liked over 56,000 times.

“I AM VERY SORRY SO MANY OF YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND GENDER IDENTITY OR GENDER DYSPHORIA. It can be such a frightening, confusing and frustrating thing for a transgender person to have to understand and come to terms with for themselves. It’s even more unfortunate that they might see your comments and leave feeling badly over something they have no more control over than the color of their skin,” one Facebook user wrote.

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