Cate Blanchett slams praise for making lesbian relationship ‘feel straight’

Cate Blanchett is getting a bit of a reputation for shutting down journalists who ask bizarre questions.

Yesterday at a press conference for her new lesbian romance film Carol, Blanchett and the rest of the cast was praised by one journalist for making the lesbian relationship at the heart of the film feel like a heterosexual love story.

“What I love so much about this film is the love story between the two of you,” the journalist told the panel according to a report in NewNowNext.

“ didn’t feel like it as homosexual love story; it felt very heterosexual,”

Before the journalist could continue, Blanchett stopped him dead saying “It felt normal.”

Rooney Mara, Blanchett’s co-star in the film, offered a more detailed and patient answer. She told the journalist “To me there is no difference,

“I think one of the great things about the film is that it’s not a political film…

“…we’re not preaching to the audience, so people are allowed to watch it for what it is which is a love story between two humans.”

Earlier this month Blanchett revealed that an answer she gave to a journalist concerning her sexuality was intentionally vague to make a point.

Blanchett was asked if she had been in relationships with women, to which she answered “Yes, many times.”

After this she revealed at a press conference that she did not say if she had ever had a sexual relationship with another woman.

“I also just played Mary Mapes, who’s a journalist. No one asked me how long I’d been to journalism school.” she told The Guardian.

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