Vile ad attempting to stop LGBT rights laws depicts man raping small girl

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A repugnant advert aimed at stopping LGBT rights protections in Houston sinks to a new low, by showing a man raping a small girl.

The Texas city has faced a protracted battle over the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance – which provided basic protections for LGBT workers as there is no federal or state law providing workers with protection from discrimination on the grounds of sexuality.

However, voters opted to repeal the law earlier this month, after opponents exploited trans protections to claim in election ads that the law lets sex offenders into women’s bathrooms.

The anti-LGBT campaigners who fought to repeal the law have since released a new ad, attacking other efforts for LGBT rights laws in the city as ‘ignoring’ the result of the ballot.

The shocking clip is more graphic than ever before, featuring an adult man forcing himself into a toilet cubicle with a small girl – before featuring a close-up of her terrified eyes.

The narrator says: “We sent a message and defeated the bathroom ordinance, but some politicians don’t respect our vote and want to bring it up again.
Vile ad attempting to stop LGBT rights laws depicts man raping small girl
“That’s why we need to support candidates in the December 12 run-off [election] who will stand up for women’s privacy and safety.”

The ad tells voters to consider “which candidates we can trust to say no to men in women’s bathrooms” because “the stakes are too high”.

Repeated misleading claims about the law have provoked passionate defences from supporters of the law, with actress Sally Field giving an animated rebuttal to previous bathroom claims.

She told reporters: “It is a lie, it’s a lie, it’s a lie, it’s a lie, and that is all there is to it”.

We can’t believe we actually print this, but rape is very much still illegal when LGBT rights are protected.

One of the pastors behind the campaign recently rallied against the city’s lesbian Mayor, calling for God to “free” her from her “condition”.

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