Gay guy shares his surprise after coming out on his birthday to ‘very conservative’ father

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The young man says he was shocked by his father’s response.

A gay man has shared his touching coming out story on Reddit, after revealing his sexuality to his father on his twentieth birthday.

Brett – or ‘imnotaseese79’ – decided to mark the special occasion by making an extra special announcement, after his father quizzed about his sexual identity.

Gay guy shares his surprise after coming out on his birthday to ‘very conservative’ father

Brett says he was “very nervous” about telling his father the truth, because he had always held “very conservative” beliefs.

The exchange began after his father saw something that worried him on social media app Snapchat.

“My dad texted me first because he saw something ‘troubling’ on snapchat,” he wrote.

“I had called myself a faggot in my snap chat story when I was drunk and one of my siblings must have showed him.

“He asked me if it was true that I was gay and I said yes.

“I was extremely nervous because he is very conservative,” he explained.

However, it was not until the next day that he received a reply – and was shocked by what it said.

“Happy Birthday Son, I Love You more than you will ever know and I am sooo proud of you. I am Lucky to have a son like you.

“Brett, I Love You more today than yesterday, we will talk soon.”

Gay guy shares his surprise after coming out on his birthday to ‘very conservative’ father

Brett received an overwhelming response from fellow Reddit users, with many saying that his story had helped them come out too.

“Congrats! That’s so heart-warming. I hope my dad can react the same way. I’m coming out next Friday to him,” wrote one user.

“That’s awesome he is so supportive! This gives me motivation to come out to my conservative dad,” said another.

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