‘If you’re brown or gay, just go away!’ Parody song skewers Donald Trump

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a pink background.

A new parody song takes aim at Republican front-runner Donald Trump.

The song, titled Vote for Trump, comes via parody pro-Trump group ‘Red, White & You PAC’.

The group’s song tackles the billionaire’s divisive comments about minority groups and his policies.

It includes the lyrics: “Barack Hussein Obama is a Kenyan Muslim devil. America deserves much better than that loser.

“Let’s close our borders to all kinds of immigration, and if you’re black or brown or Asian, bi or gay, just go away.

“We need a man who ain’t afraid to speak his mind, tell our enemies and even our friends they’re fired.”

The group’s press release explains: “The up-tempo tune outlines his major campaign platforms and speaks to the core beliefs of many of his supporters.

“Red, White, and You PAC is a political action committee established in 2015 in Nashville, Tennessee with the purpose to aid Donald Trump’s quest to secure the Republican Party nomination and, ultimately, the office of President of the United States.”

Donald Trump recently delivered a speech to a listed anti-LGBT hate group that frequently compares gay rights to the Holocaust.

The reality TV star made an off-book speech to the Family Research Council without a teleprompter – in which he bizarrely did not once mention God, Jesus, gay people, LGBT rights or any of the group’s goals.

He also failed to acknowledge anti-gay clerk Kim Davis, the guest of honour at the event.

When asked flat-out whether he is homophobic last month, Trump insisted: “No, I think that I’m a very nice person. I love people.”

Mr Trump’s approach to LGBT issues has softened in recent months – though his anti-immigration rhetoric has stepped up.


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