Joe Jonas says he loved going to gay bar with brother Nick

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The pop star says he has ‘accidentally’ wandered into gay bars in the past.

Joe Jonas has described visiting a gay club with his brother and ex-bandmate Nick Jonas.

“I went to a gay club with Nick a few months ago – it was really fun!” he told PrideSource.

Joe Jonas says he loved going to gay bar with brother Nick

However, the star said that it wasn’t his first time frequenting a gay venue – claiming that he had “accidentally” wandered into gay bars before.

“I think that’s happened to a few people. But, you know, it was cool,” he said.

“We went out with some of our friends who are gay. I just think we live in a world where obviously it’s not a big deal – it’s fine – and you can have fun wherever you go and make the best of it.”

The actor and singer said he did not know they were gay clubs because he was in Europe and unable to read the signs – but soon realised after “getting hit on by more men than you would usually get hit on by.”

He also agreed with his brother – who is currently playing two gay roles on TV – that the Jonas Brothers did not do enough for their gay fans.

‘Maybe it was just our age,’ he said.

‘We maybe didn’t reach out as much as we probably could have. I hope now we can encourage other straight guys to have a voice as well.

‘I care too much about my friends who are gay and fans who are gay to be quiet about it.’

The band have previously addressed rumours about their sexualities, to say that, despite not being gay, they refused to be offended by the speculation.

Joe Jonas said: “We have a lot of gay friends and gay fans. It’s a boy band stereotype; people assume, but we don’t take offence.”

Joe Jonas says he loved going to gay bar with brother Nick

However, when quizzed about his own sexuality recently, Nick Jonas refused to confirm or deny that he had sexually experimented with other men.

The pop star and actor says his acceptance of LGBT people began when his was just a child, after his father told him, “”It’s all love, it’s all the same”.

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