Australian politician who blocked same-sex unions now supports equal marriage

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In a stunning turnaround, an Australian politician who fought to revoke same-sex unions in Queensland has ‘backflipped’ to support equal marriage.

Former Queensland Attorney General Jarrod Bleijie had rallied against the state’s partnerships law after his appointment in 2012, removing gay couples’ ability to have children through surrogacy and downgrading civil partnerships to the class of ‘registered relationships’.

However, in a sure sign that the campaign for equal marriage is winning hearts and minds, the local MP – who ended his term as Attorney General back in February – revealed he has changed his stance.

Signalling he will now fight for the rights he once fought to oppose, the committed Christian spoke to the Courier Mail about his change of heart.

The Liberal National politician said: “Supporting civil partnerships, and supporting same sex marriage has not been an easy journey for me.

“I have gone from being the attorney-general responsible for abolishing same sex civil partnerships in Queensland, to intending to vote in favour in the forthcoming federal plebiscite.”

He explained he became increasingly uncomfortable with arguments to oppose same-sex unions, adding: “Marriage should be a statement of love and commitment between the happy couple; not an institution that rejects those who wish to enter it with the best intentions.”

Australian Marriage Equality national director, Rodney Croome, praised the move.
Australian politician who blocked same-sex unions now supports equal marriage
He said: “Mr Bleijie’s support for marriage equality shows this is an issue that can be supported by people of faith and by social conservatives.

“I applaud Mr Bleijie for opening his heart to those same-sex partners who want to uphold the values of marriage and share its traditions.

“With support growing right across the social and religious spectrum it’s becoming harder to see why we need a plebiscite, but if we do have one the outcome is increasingly likely to be ‘yes’.”

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