Gay psychotherapist explains why he slut shamed his friend (VIDEO)

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Pyschotherapist vlogger Matthew J. Dempsey has released a new video explaining why gay men should stop slut shaming.

He begins by talking about when he found himself being critical of one of his friends for wanting to wear a revealing costme for halloween.

Gay psychotherapist explains why he slut shamed his friend (VIDEO)

“I realised I was getting really judgemental, my stuff was getting stirred up” he explained.

“And it’s one thing to assess maybe a little bit of where that comes from, this tendancy for us as gay men to want to go for the sexy costumes,

“It’s another thing for us to start getting really critical and looking kind of cockeyed at other people and start casting off blame or judgement in anyway,

“Kind of makes me think of this quote judging other people doesn’t define who they are, it defines who you are.”

Slut shaming is mostly thought of as a form of social stigma that is universally applied to women who are percieved to be dressing in a sexually provocative way or using birth control.

But according to Dempsey the stigma can also be applied against gay men.

“Our country is deeply rooted in these puritanical beliefs that bascially says that anything that’s outside of the context of sex for the sake of procreation is going to be really wrong, going to be really evil, espcacially when it’s two guys having sex…

“So it’s just going to make it that much more uncomfortable for us if there is going to be that many more irrational beliefs around what it means to have sex.

“And instead of being able to check in with that, and maybe understand some of that that, instead what we do is we can just project it out onto other gay men and then we just make them feel bad for it or see it as something wrong with others.”

Watch the full video below.

Dempsey has previously released a video talking about how he is gay, white and racist.

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