This trans woman has some awesome advice for dating whilst trans (VIDEO)

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A trans woman has released a video where she attempts to get to the bottom of the problems facing trans people in the dating world.

This trans woman has some awesome advice for dating whilst trans (VIDEO)

In the video, Elle columnist Rhyannon Styles talks about her online dating experience, saying that she “discovered that you do have to write ‘I am a male to female pre op transgendered female’

“Because otherwise if you just put transgender that is such an umbrella term that that can be quite confusing for somebody that doesn’t understand the ins and outs of transgender…”

This trans woman has some awesome advice for dating whilst trans (VIDEO)

She goes on to talk about some of the negative experiences where she recieved messages about her genitalia, but admits that she learned to “… take that on the chin because they’re not worth it,”

“What used to give me a lot of fear was if you were in a situation in a bar for example when somebody would approach you and start talking to you…

“And then it’s like, at what point do you say ‘I need to tell you that I am transgender’ and that…well….how quickly would you go into the fact that you have certain genitalia?”

“Ultimately if sex is where it is heading and that person wants to have sex with you thinking you have a certain sex then obviously you have to address that.”

She went on to explain why she thinks it is a good idea to disclose your trans status early, saying “I think it’s much more important to get that out of the way sooner rather than later,

“if the person is not going to be interested in you because of that then, that’s that and you kind of have to accept that and be willing to let that go because you will find somebody that is essentially interested in who you are.”

Watch the video below.

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