Watch: Straight guys explain why they star in gay porn for cash

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Two straight men have explained why they decided to become ‘gay for pay’ porn stars for cash.

MTV documentary series True Life takes a look at the world of ‘gay for pay’ porn – where straight men have sex with men for work.

Luke – known in the porn world as Vadim Black – started performing in porn for cash, but managed to keep it a secret from his girlfriend.
Watch: Straight guys explain why they star in gay porn for cash
The adult film star managed to lead a double life, building a massive online following while in a committed relationship.

However, he has grown tired of juggling the different worlds, adding: “It’s just too much. You’re just living, and hiding.”
Watch: Straight guys explain why they star in gay porn for cash
The doc also follows Ben (AKA Sean of Sean Cody ) – a married family man, who recently started performing in gay sex films “to earn money to support his kids”.

Unlike Luke, Ben’s wife Crystal knows about his career and “thinks it’s hot”, but he concedes: “This is nothing I thought I ever would be doing.”

The doc, which includes behind the scenes footage following the two men on genuine porn shoots, airs this week on MTV.

Watch the (safe for work) trailer below:

Meanwhile, a gay porn boss is being sued for allegedly leaving a rented apartment covered in bodily fluids – after allegedly using an Airbnb property to film an adult film.

He has responded to the lawsuit, suggesting that owner Kristina Knapic, may have been to blame for any bodily fluids, saying she is a “professional extortionist”.

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