Trump Tweets Hopkins: Are Katie Hopkins and Donald Trump friends now?

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has thanked ‘respected columnist’ Katie Hopkins for her glowing endorsement of his views on Muslims.

The republican frontrunner tweeted the infamous media personality after she wrote a column praising the businessman.

Hopkins quickly thanked the republican frontrunner for the kind words, and included a screen capture of one of the many petitions against her.

The exchange was in response to a column Hopkins wrote about Trumps calls for all US Muslims to be forced to wear I.D badges and for a complete ban on Muslims entering the country.

Whilst many were quick to condemn Trump’s plans, including almost all of Trumps republican political opponents, Hopkins merely noted that they were unenforceable.

In a column for The Daily Mail, Hopkins claimed that Barrack Obama’s response to the recent mass shooting in California that left 14 people dead had failed to provide leadership for the country, which Trump was now providing.

“He knows some of his grand-standing is hot air,” Hopkins wrote.

“But he is articulating a sentiment held by millions and reinforcing himself as a protector of the American people.”

She went on to endorse Trumps claims that London is a terrorist hotbed and claimed that many of her friends won’t visit the city now because they fear being attacked.

Yesterday acting legend George Takei compared Trumps proposal’s for the country’s treatment of Muslims to the internment of Japanese-Americans throughout the Second World War.

Hopkins has recently had her self styled ‘gay icon’ status revoked after claiming that ‘100%’ of British Muslims want homosexuality banned.

Trump has been roundly criticised by almost everyone for his plans for Muslims, including David Cameron.

He also recently claimed he was ‘biological perfection’ and has received endorsement from a homophobic pastor who claims that Starbucks puts ‘sodomite semen’ in lattes.

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