Transphobic group fails to block bathroom access for trans people

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A group who were seeking to ban transgender people’s access to public bathrooms have failed to add their proposed bill to a public ballot.

‘Privacy For All’ needed to secure 365,000 petition signatures to put their proposed ‘Personal Privacy Protection Act’ up for a public vote in California.

Transphobic group fails to block bathroom access for trans people

However, they announced on their Facebook page earlier today that they failed to gather the required signatures.

A similar move was made earlier this year by The Campaign for Houston who succesfully gathered enough signitures to challenge Houstons Equal Rights Ordinance (otherwise known as HERO).

They ran a campaign that featured vile videos that portrayed transgender people as sex offenders, and were ultimately succesful in persuading the citizens of Houston to throw the ordinance out.

Transphobic group fails to block bathroom access for trans people

But ‘Privacy For All’, which only has 2,413 likes on their Facebook page at the time of writing, were not able to gather enough public support to emulate Campaign for Houston’s success.

In a statement released from the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), their president Chad Griffin said “The people of California saw our opponents’ campaign for what it was — a blatant effort to undermine the rights and freedoms of transgender people.

“By categorically rejecting such discrimination, Californians have affirmed their support for the equal rights and dignity of all people.”

Transphobic group fails to block bathroom access for trans people

Kris Hayashi, executive director of Transgender Law Center also welcomed the news, saying “This initiative was a poorly veiled attack on transgender people that sought to undermine that freedom and single out for harassment anyone who doesn’t meet stereotypes of what it looks like to be male or female.

“Today Californians have made clear these types of discriminatory attacks on transgender people and our families, communities, and neighborhoods have no place in our state.”

According to the HRC the ‘Privacy for All’ campaign was backed by the right wing Pacific Justice Institute who also campaigned in favour of proposition 8 back in 2008.

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