Kim Davis admits she ‘failed miserably’ at marriage herself before blocking gay weddings

Kim Davis has admitted that she “failed miserably” at marriage herself – before attempting to block gay weddings.

Davis, the clerk for Rowan County, Kentucky, was briefly jailed earlier this year after she defied court orders to stop blocking same-sex marriage.

The clerk has since become the darling of the far-right ‘religious freedom’ movement… but has far from a conservative history of marriage herself.

Davis has been married four times, and has also given birth to children outside of wedlock. Friends claim she had been a Christian for less than five years before making her stand.

Speaking to Associated Press, Davis conceded that her background was “ironic”.

She said: “How ironic that God would use a person like me, who failed so miserably at marriage in the world, to defend it now.

“The Lord picks the unlikely source to convey the message.”

She added: “No one would ever have remembered a county clerk that just said … ‘Even though I don’t agree with it, it’s OK. I’ll do it’.

“If I could be remembered for one thing, it’s that I was not afraid to not compromise myself.”

Despite being seen as a ‘hero’ by many Republicans, Davis says she is not considering running for higher office – and hasn’t yet decided if she will still re-stand for her elected clerk position.

She said: “If I were a politician, I would probably jump on that and grab it and growl. But I’m not a politician.

“I very much enjoy my job.”

The new Governor of Kentucky recently ordered changes to remove the names of clerks from marriage licenses to help out Davis – with whom he is friends.

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