Doctor sacked for anti-gay rant hires Kim Davis’ lawyers

A doctor who was sacked after going on a homophobic rant has hired the team who represented Kim Davis to represent him.

Dr Paul Church spoke out after the Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital sent out an email inviting staff to participate in a Pride float.

The urologist replied to all saying “behaviors common within the homosexual community are unhealthy and high risk for a host of serious medical consequences.”

He went on to say that a hospital taking part in Pride is “reprehensible”, saying it “dishonours” its staff who “continue to hold to the conviction that homosexuality is unnatural and immoral.”

The doctor didn’t stop there, however, and later posted on the hospital’s intranet site about homosexuality.


After hospital bosses found out about the rant, they sacked Church.

Having already appealed against the decision twice, Church has now hired the Liberty Counsel, which represented jailbird Kim Davis when she refused to marry gay couples.

Davis spent five days in jail after ignoring a string of court orders instructing her to issue marriage licences to same-sex couples.

Liberty Counsel founder Mat Staver told OneNewsNow that Dr Church “has lost his medical credentials at that particular medical facility. Why? Because he chooses to have the best interests of his patients and the others in the Center as his first priority, as a doctor should.”

Staver goes on to claim that the firing Church puts a political agenda ahead of the public’s wellbeing.

“He will not promote an immoral lifestyle that is clearly harmful to both physical and mental health,” Staver continued.

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