President Hillary will turn all your children gay, pastor claims

A pastor has claimed that President Hillary Clinton will personally encourage American children to take up homosexuality.

The claim was made by Pastor Kevin Swanson, who has ties to a Republican Presidential candidates Ted Cruz and Mike Huckabee.

Speaking on his Generations Radio show, Swanson – pictured flapping wildly below – didn’t appear to rate the chances of his Republican friends.
He said: “For the 2016 elections, I’d give Hillary Clinton 80 percent chance. It’s not looking good for the Republicans.

“I don’t know what God’s going to do… but this is the direction we’re headed as a nation.”

He added that the “tremendous majority” of children would become homosexuals under Hillary, adding of her election: “Why wouldn’t Hillary Clinton get full rein upon this nation to continue the destructive pattern, destroy the social fabric of the nation, the family?

“There will be 75 percent of kids born outside of wedlock to single mothers by the year 2030.

“Tremendous majorities of American kids are taken down the track towards homosexuality, towards the destruction of sexuality with pornography habits, illegitimate divorce, the shack-up rates being 30 times what they were in 1970 and so forth.

“Of course that’s the direction the nation is heading right now.”

He has a plan to stop it though… take your children out of school to stop them becoming homosexual Hillary-loving socialists.

Swanson concluded: “Keep them out of the public schools – and for at least a generation we can pull off a very slim minority of kids who are trained in a Biblical way of thinking.”

We aren’t holding our breath to hear Presidential wannabes Mike Huckabee and Ted Cruz condemn their church-buddy’s latest comments.

Cruz and Huckabee both spoke at rally last month hosted by the extremist pastor, who calls for gays to be put to death on a semi-regular basis.

The pair are still yet to condemn Swanson, who repeated his ‘death to gays’ comments at the event.

Cruz warmly shook the hand of the pastor on stage despite the comments… which is about as affectionate as you can get at a ‘death to gays’ rally, really.

Swanson has also made comments linking homosexuals to paedophiles since the rally. Cruz and Huckabee are yet to condemn that either.

Watch some of the ‘Kill the Gays’ fun below:

(H/t RightWingWatch)

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