Insurance company faces boycott for featuring gay family in this adorable ad

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An insurance company is facing a right-wing boycott… because of an ad featuring a same-sex couple.

Allstate Insurance launched the powerful ad ‘Here’s to Firsts’ – which features a gay couple reflecting on becoming dads for the first time.
Insurance company faces boycott for featuring gay family in this adorable ad
They explain: “It was a year of firsts. A year ago we didn’t even know we were going to be parents. We got a call… and we had a baby! We had no plan, didn’t know she was coming.

“The second we held her, I knew she was ours. Our little girl is us – a little version of it – and everyone that came before us.

“She’s named after my grandmother, her middle name is Andrew’s grandfather, she plays on my mother’s piano, she carries both our last names – it’s meant to be for our family.”

The pair reflect on all the firsts they have experienced – from getting married to seeing their daughter fall asleep in their arms – and reflect on all the firsts they have to come.

However, the ad has not gone down well with the anti-LGBT American Family Association, who have launched a boycott over the ad.

The group claimed that one of the dads had his “arm around his male ‘wife’.”

The AFA continued: “The Allstate promotion does not share the reality that this child will grow up without the nurture that only a mother can provide.

“Nor does Allstate recognize the emotional trauma and questions this child will endure growing up in a home with two men.

“God has ordained that a traditional mother and father are the best for raising children.

“Allstate has abandoned God’s design for the family, and thus promotes a lifestyle that is not good for children.

“Sign our petition to Allstate, urging Allstate to stop its promotion of normalizing homosexual parenting when children’s welfare is at stake.

“If you are an Allstate customer, we encourage you to contact your local agent and share how disappointed you are.”

The petition claims: “Your promotion depicting two homosexual men raising an infant girl is extremely disappointing. Two men cannot replace the emotional nurture that only a mother can provide to a child.”

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