Gay man admits drugging date and stealing ‘lifetime supply’ of brown sauce

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A retired gay escort has pleaded guilty to drugging a man he met on a dating app, before stealing a lifetime supply of HP sauce.

Devon Ronald Cissell pleaded guilty to drugging the manager of a luxury hotel in Edmonton, Canada, after meeting him on hook-up app Squirt.

Gay man admits drugging date and stealing ‘lifetime supply’ of brown sauce

The pair got chatting before the manager – whose name has not been released – invited him over for to his house for a drink.

However, things took a sinister turn when Cissell proceeded to spike his date’s drink with GHB, rendering him unconscious.

When the victim awoke, he discovered a number of his personal possessions had been stolen, including his wallet, phone, laptop and car.

In a bizarre twist, Cissell also confessed to stealing a set of master keys to the hotel – heading to the building a week later to steal two restaurant sized boxes of HP brown sauce from the hotel’s storage unit.

He went on to break into two other rooms – including one belonging to an 80-year-old woman – and stole bank and credit cards, two laptops and a diamond ring.

The court heard Cissell was apprehended as a result of hotel surveillance photos and the hotel manager identifying him in a police lineup.

Officers were also able to find spilled GHB at the manager’s home.

Gay man admits drugging date and stealing ‘lifetime supply’ of brown sauce

Defence lawyer John Sinclair told the court his client had been working as an escort at the time and used to advertise his services.

However he conceded it had been a social date with the hotel manager and no money was exchanged.

Cissell will be sentenced next week.

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