This new dating site is only for straight white people

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A new dating site has launched – that only caters for people who are straight and white.

The new site WhitePeopleMeet was developed by 53-year-old used car dealer Sam Russell — who insists he isn’t racist because he dated a black woman once.

Russell, the architect of the ‘white only’ site – which only allows women to seek men and vice versa – explained: “It’s about equal opportunity.

“The last thing in the world I am is racist. I dated a black woman once. I helped raise a young black man.

“I just believe it’s hypocrisy to say ‘one group can do this, but another can’t’.”
This new dating site is only for straight white people
Russell unveiled a divisive billboard this month advertising the $15-a-month service outside Salt Lake City, featuring a conspicuously-white heterosexual couple.

But Russell told the Washington Post that anyone can sign up to use his service – as long as they’re over 18.

He said:”If you’re a black man who prefers to date white women, this might be a good option.”

However, the site is coded to directly block men seeking men and women seeking women from joining.

The website explains: “Here at [White People Meet] we believe in the concept that all people have the right to ‘Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness’.

“We also believe that finding your perfect partner, your soul mate is one of the best ways, as humans, to obtain happiness.

“Furthermore we believe that all men are created equal (the word men stands for a species, not gender).”

Ironically, the site’s terms of service warn users not to “promote racism, bigotry, [or] hatred”.

It’s not the only controversial dating app to launch this month.

Controversial gay hook-up app Hanky puts potential new users to a vote – with three existing users casting a vote on whether to allow them to join.

The developer says the divisive practise is intended to keep out “creeps, time­wasters and fake profiles” present on other apps.

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