Irish councillor claims lesbians having babies is ‘gross’

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A Fianna Fáil councillor has refused to apologise over comments claiming lesbians having babies is “gross”.

A recording of Roscommon County Council Paddy Kilduff’s comments, made in February last year, were revealed in The Irish Sun today.

In the recording, the Irish politician Kilduff is heard discussing the same sex marriage referendum “Personally I won’t be voting for it and the reason I am not voting for it – no problem with gays and lesbians – but the problem I have is with the children.

“We have enough problems with children being adopted and they’re going back looking for their parents, they’re going to have some job when two men adopt a child.

“After laughter from the audience he goes on to say:

“They won’t know who’s who and when you have two women having babies and artificially inseminated… It’s gross, it’s gross. So I won’t be supporting it anyway, so you can take that back to Dublin.”

His speech received a rapturous applause from the audience.

In the staunchly Catholic country, Roscommon South Leitrim – where Kilduff is a councillor – was the only constituency that voted 51.42% to 48.58% against the same sex marriage referendum.

Kilduff has refused to comment or apologise about the recording, telling the Journal: “I won’t be making any comment whatsoever.”

After being pressed for an answer on whether he still stands by his remarks and believes that lesbians having babies is “gross” he stated: “I am very, very sorry, I won’t be making any comment”

He did however speak out in more detail to The Irish Sun, telling them “I want to make it clear that I’m not anti-gay, I have many gay and lesbian friends.

“I just think civil partnership was enough. My issue is with gay couples having the same family rights as a man and woman.”

Party Chiefs have distanced themselves from the councillor since the recording came to light.

Fianna Fáil spoke out and said the councillor was speaking in a “personal capacity”.

The County was last year accused of not doing enough on the same sex marriage vote by the former equality minister Pat Carey.

Mr Carey, who came out last year at the age of 67, felt that Fianna Fail was lacking “energy and urgency” in their campaign.

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