Local politician claims David Bowie was a ‘gay Nazi’ and a witch

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A former UKIP chair has claimed that David Bowie was a gay member of the Nazi party who “dabbled” in the occult.

Julia Gasper was previously Chair of UKIP Oxford – and currently serves as a Parish Councillor for Risinghurst and Sandhills for the English Democrats Party.

The English Democrats have been in the news recently after candidate Winston McKenzie appeared on Celebrity Big Brother – and caused controversy with a claim that same-sex parenting is ‘child abuse’.

Dr Gasper, a staunch critic of the LGBT rights movement, hit out at late singer David Bowie in a tirade just a day after his death.

She claimed on her blog: “David Bowie was not the only famous queer Nazi, not by a long, long way.

“In fact there is a remarkable affinity between the two things. Many famous queers have been Nazis and vice versa.

“The Brixton skinhead Bowie is an example of something rather widespread and typical.”
Local politician claims David Bowie was a ‘gay Nazi’ and a witch

She also raises Bowie’s lyrical references to mysticism, claiming he “dabbled in the occult” and referenced occultist Aleister Crowley.

Dr Gasper added: “Nazis in Germany had a similar fascination with occult, pagan and pseudo-mystic ideas that lent a veneer of intellectual respectability to their immoral doctrines.”

The politician last stood for the English Democrats in 2014’s European Elections, where the party managed to scrape just 0.76% of the vote in the region, winning just 17,771 votes.

She had previously called for PinkNews readers to be sectionedcalled for Grindr to be banned, and claimed Daniel Radcliffe and a “queer mafia” were responsible for “victimising” former Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich into stepping down.

Dr Gasper also claimed that a “PinkNews mafia” caused the actor Rupert Everett to seek police protection. She wrote: “They [PinkNews] even bombard other homosexuals such as Rupert Everett with hate-mail and death-threats when he says anything against their agenda. He recently had to seek police protection because the PinkNews mafia had put him on its hit-list.”

Dr Gasper has also claimed that World AIDS Day “congratulates” people for “spreading this disease”, said she hoped “guilt” killed “queer gangsters” over same-sex marriage, and described PinkNews as a “vile rabid dog” of “homosexual bullies”.

The English Democrats leadership previously insisted that Gasper was “factually correct” to complain that there are too many gay MPs in Parliament.

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