Older lesbian couple share their advice with younger generation (VIDEO)

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Robin and Madonna answer a younger couple’s questions – offering advice and words of wisdom.

The video has reached over 300,000 views since it was uploaded earlier this week.

Older lesbian couple share their advice with younger generation (VIDEO)

In the short interview, the younger couple, Niki and Kelsie, ask a series of questions to an older lesbian couple, Robin and Madonna, about what it’s like to be in a long term monogamous relationship in the gay community.

Robin and Madonna – who have been dating for over 12 years – share a range of advice, from how to stay faithful, to what it was like to go through the menopause together.

“I was going through my hot flashes first” says Madonna

“And now I’m in,” responds Robin, “I’m throwing cupboards and cats.”

The couple also take the opportunity to poke fun at the cat loving lesbian stereotype.

“We have four cats,” laughs Madonna.

The two couples also discuss what it was like to be out and gay in the 70s and 80s when most people were still in the closet.

Asked how they met other gay people, Madonna replies: “For me it was a different trajectory, it was more, find each other in the bars, playing softball.

“There is a reason we have stereotype’s – we played softball.”

Older lesbian couple share their advice with younger generation (VIDEO)

The interview then takes a more serious tone when they touch upon the subject of AIDS.

Madonna – who lost her brother to AIDS – discusses her efforts to help the cause

“Lesbians were coming forward to help our friends,” she says.

“The Names Project and The Quilt, was huge in the 80s and early 90s and I stood on The Quilt when it first existed”

Watch the video – from BuzzFeed – below.

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