Christian activist: We should send SWAT teams to ‘seize’ children from gay parents

A Christian activist has suggested forcibly breaking up same-sex families – by sending in heavily-armed units to ‘seize’ their children.

The shocking claims were made by Theodore Shoebat, who last year appeared alongside Republican Presidential candidates Rand Paul and Mike Huckabee  in a ‘religious freedom’ documentary.

Ranting in a new 27-minute long video, he claimed that “SWAT team or the National Guard” should be used to take away children raised by “dykes and faggots” because they’re “in danger of being raped”.

He ranted: “Dykes are criminals!

“Two dykes that are supposedly married, that’s not marriage, that’s a criminal partnership. That’s an agreement between two criminals.

“We’re gonna commit this crime, we’re going to corrupt children, we are going to take the natural order and tell people to disobey it, we are going to cause a revolution against the natural order that God designed … That’s what these dykes are, they’re just pure criminals.”

He added: “I believe sincerely within my heart, that if you have two dykes or two faggots who have children, those children are in an immense amount of danger.

“They are in danger of being raped, they are in danger of being molested, they are in danger of being assaulted, murdered, killed.

“And for the good of that child, the state needs to bust open the doors of those sodomites and confiscate those children. I really believe that within myself.

“If I had the power, I would send the SWAT team or the National Guard and I would say, ‘Guys, there are the homes that we know for a fact have two fags and they have a child with them. Go in there, you arrest those two faggots and you take that child’.
Christian activist: We should send SWAT teams to ‘seize’ children from gay parents
“And the SWAT team would go in there, bust the door open, arrest the two faggots like the terrorists they are, and save that child from this tyranny. Because that’s what this is, this is tyranny.”

Watch the clip via Right Wing Watch below:

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