Adorable gay granddads marry after 46 years together

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Imagine having to wait nearly half a century to marry the one you love.

This couple didn’t have to imagine.

Lewis Duckett and Billy Jones met 46 years ago, way before the possibility of same-sex marriage being legalised across the US even seemed possible.

Now, after the US Supreme Court in 2015 made a ruling making same-sex marriage legal across all 50 states, the couple have finally been able to tie the knot.


It all began when Jones was sent to Vietnam to fight, when the couple wrote coded letters to one another.

In the days of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, the couple couldn’t risk being caught and dishonourably discharged.

During their 46 years together the couple hae adopted a child, and are now grandparents.

They married in October at Riverside Church in Harlem.

They said the marriage is “an enhancement to the relationship we had”, rather than the beginning of something new.

The New York Times featured the newlyweds in a brilliant documentary on the New York Times website.

In 2014, a lesbian couple in the US state of Iowa married, after being together for 72 years.

Vivian Boyack, 91, and Alice Dubes, 90, met in Yale, and then moved to Davenport in 1947.

Watch the video below:

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