This woman has gone to war with sexist hypocrites on Twitter and it is awesome

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One woman has taken to Twitter to call out men who hypocritically slut shame women for posting pictures of their bodies.

Lindsey, a 29-year-old woman from Minneapolis, has decided to name and shame men who post topless pictures of themselves, then criticise women for sharing photos of themselves online.


Using the hashtag ‘#ShirtlessShamers2016’, Lindsay said she found one profile which was guilty of the double standard, which inspired her to share many more.


Speaking to BuzzFeed News, she said: “A few searches later, and I’d come across lots of other dudes gleefully condemning women as ‘sluts’ in one tweet and flexing their naked chests in another.”

She also said that men who criticised women for posting messages critical of women posting nude photos also often had porn and other images of women on their timelines.

“They’re torn between wanting to consume women’s nudity for their enjoyment, and condemning it if it’s presented as self-expression or self-celebration,” she said.

“I hope the hashtag introduces conversations about why we spend so much time policing what women wear on or do with their bodies,” she continued.


Lindsay says she hopes the men in the pictures won’t be harassed by her followers, but that it will start a dialogue about the way women are treated.

But she has received some abuse online since starting her campaign. Despite that, she says she has received many positive messages of support too.

Click here for the next page to see a selection of the best #ShirtlessShamers2016 pics, courtesy of Lindsay – enjoy!







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