Kim Davis says it was a ‘joy’ to stand against same-sex marriage (LISTEN)

Kim Davis has said it was a ‘joy’ to be ‘chosen by God’ to stand against gay marriage.

The Kentucky clerk was jailed last year for doggedly refusing to issue same-sex marriage licenses on religious grounds.

During an interview with American Family Radio broadcast last Friday (January 22), host Sandy Rios heaped praise on Davis – who appeared in court again last week to appeal the ruling that saw her thrown behind bars.

Kim Davis says it was a ‘joy’ to stand against same-sex marriage (LISTEN)

“It’s interesting to me how God chose you,” Rios said.

“Not a Sunday school teacher, not a Republican, not the standard – this is like God, this is so like God, so he chose you.”

Ms Davis – who admits she failed miserably at marriage herself – said that she considered it “a joy to be chosen, to make a stand and to defend my God’s word, the infallible word of God.”

“You were chosen, Kim,” Rios added. “I know that. God picked you, plucked you out.”

Last week, Ms Davis spoke out to claim that Christians are literally being mashed by Obama. Literally. Mashed.

The Kentucky clerk broke her silence after she attended the President’s final State of the Union address, on invitation from a Republican congressman.

“He had made the statement that everybody was free to marry who they love, and of course that’s the stand that I stood against,” she said of Obama’s speech.

“It was not, for me, a gay or a lesbian issue. It was about standing up for the world of God, and God had defined from the very beginning as between one man and one woman. That’s what I stood for.”

Kim Davis says it was a ‘joy’ to stand against same-sex marriage (LISTEN)

“He focussed on we should not discriminate against Muslims… he never once said anything of the people of the Christian faith, who are being so tried and tested and being mashed down, literally, by his agenda.”

Listen to her interview with Rios via Right Wing Watch below:

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