Anti-LGBT discrimination has cost this US state $60 million

An anti-gay bill in the US state of Indiana may have cost the state as much as $60 million in business.

The bill which proved controversial, aimed to protect ‘religious freedom’.

The Religious Freedom Restoration Act was passed last March to widespread criticism, and the threat of boycotts by major corporations.

A survey commissioned by the city of Indianapolis’s tourist board has found the state may have lost up to $60 million in business due to the bill.

RFRA was feared as a way for business owners to be protected, even if they discriminate against LGBT customers.

Governor Mike Pence, who signed the bill into law, defended it, and later a “fix” was applied, to clarify that it should not be used to discriminate.

The “fix” meant the state law would not override local ordinances in cities and other jurisdictions, to protect against LGBT discrimination.

Companies such as Apple spoke out in disgust at the approval of the law.

At least 12 conventions had specifically cited RFRA as the reason they would not gather in Indianapolis.

“In some cases, it was the only reason. In some cases, it was one of a handful of reasons,” Visit Indy Vice President Chris Gahl told the Star.

“But all 12, it was proactively brought up as a blockade from booking Indianapolis.”

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