Trans girl scout sells thousands of cookies after being bullied

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The girl says she refused to allow transphobia to stop her helping others.

A young girl scout has sold thousands of cookies despite receiving abuse from a neighbour because she is trans.

Trans girl scout sells thousands of cookies after being bullied

Stormi – who lives with a foster family – was initially distraught after the man told her that “nobody want to buy cookies from a boy in a dress.”

“It made me sad,” Stormi told BuzzFeed News. “Because I’m a girl.”

“She was like, ‘Why am I not good enough?’” said foster mother Kim added.

However, the pair decided that they were not going to let bigotry stand in the way of Stormi’s happiness.

“We just started talking and she decided she wasn’t going to let him win.”

Kim said rather than sell the cookies door to door, they decided to do so via the Girl Scouts “Digital Cookie” website.

After sharing their story online, Stormi has been receiving orders from across the country, as well as Canada and Australia.

She has also been getting dozens of letters of support – something which her foster mother says are invaluable to her daughter.

Trans girl scout sells thousands of cookies after being bullied

“This is something I have been trying to instil in her for years. How worthy she is; who she is is OK,” Kim said.

“For her to be able to read all these messages that people are sending from around the world to support her, the love is just overwhelming.”

Within a few days, Stormi had received over 3,000 orders and now plans to donate cookies to foster kids every year.

“I want kids like me to know they are perfect just the way they are,” said Stormi.

“There are people all over the world that love you. Never give up because it does get better.”

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