Is Rick Santorum about to drop out of the race for US President?

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a white background.

According to reports, adamant homophobe Rick Santorum is about to announce that he is dropping out of the race to become US President.

CNN reports that the former Pennsylvania Governor will announce that he is dropping out of the race on Wednesday evening.

The news outlet also reports that Santorum will announce that he is to endorse one of the other Republican candidates.

Santorum is one of the most notoriously anti-gay of the Republican Presidential wannabes, claiming repeatedly that homosexuality is a condition that can be cured.

The Republican has also claimed that same-sex couples getting married in the US will “disrupt the foundation of the world”, and has pledged to void the marriages of thousands of loving gay couples if elected President.

If he drops out, Santorum will be the third Republican candidate to suspend their campaign following Monday’s Iowa caucus

Fellow homophobe and Kim Davis fan Mike Huckabee on Monday suspended his Presidential campaign – after failing to win a single delegate in this week’s Iowa caucuses.

Rand Paul also suspended his campaign this morning.

Santorum won the Iowa caucuses in 2012, and got the second-most number of delegates only to Mitt Romney, who eventually got the Republican nomination.

However this year, he gained no momentum, despite considerable efforts.

Despite the loss of Huckabee, there’s not much good news for LGBT people in the Republican results.

Ted Cruz won the state with 28 percent – compared to Donald Trump on 24 percent and Marco Rubio on 23 percent.

All three front-runners are ardently opposed to LGBT equality.

Despite attending gay weddings himself, Trump recently ditched his support for same sex marriage in a bid to shore up support – adding he would “consider” a push to overturn the Supreme Court marriage ruling.

Meanwhile, Ted Cruz has openly pledged to scrap equal marriage, and introducing laws that would permit anti-LGBT discrimination on the grounds of ‘religious freedom’.

Cruz has also come under fire for his links to extremist pastors – and is still yet to condemn ‘death to gays’ pastor Kevin Swanson, with whom he has appeared at events.


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