Donald Trump claims he’d move ‘forward’ on LGBT rights… despite plan to overturn equal marriage

Donald Trump is claiming that he would move “forward” on LGBT rights – just a week after saying he’d probably overturn same-sex marriage.

Mr Trump last week ditched his support for same-sex marriage, despite attending gay weddings himself, now claiming he would “strongly consider” appointing new Supreme Court justices to overturn it.

Trump has also allegedly U-turned on LGBT rights protections, assuring evangelical lobbyists he won’t veto a law to permit discrimination against married gay people.

But in a strange turnaround, Trump is now claiming he would move “forward” on the issue.

He was challenged by out news host Sue O’Connell of New England Cable News, who asked: “I’m a lesbian, and we’ve had some great progress for the gay and lesbian community through politics, through judicial actions and elected actions over the past 20 years.

“When President Trump is in office can we look for more forward motion on equality for gays and lesbians?”

Trump responded: “Well, you can,” Trump answered. And look, again, we’re going to bring people together, and that’s your thing and other people have their thing. We have to bring all people together and if we don’t we’re not going to have a country anymore. It’s going to be a total mess.

This Presidential year is a very important year, and I’m going to bring people together.

Watch the full interview:

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