Police vote to boycott Beyonce concert

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a pink background.

A police union is actually planning to boycott Beyonce’s concerts.

The Miami Fraternal Order of Police has voted to boycott the concert in April, saying Beyonce’s Superbowl performance was used to “divide Americans”.

Not only that, Javier Ortiz, the president of the Order, wrote a statement encouraging police across the US to do the same.

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He wrote: “The fact that Beyonce used this year’s Super Bowl to divide Americans by promoting the Black Panthers and her anti-police message shows how she does not support law enforcement.”

Ortiz continued: “I was one of the tens of thousands of law enforcement officers that didn’t watch the Super Bowl half-time show out of respect for our profession.

“On another day while flipping through the television channels, I did mistakenly watch her ‘Formation’ video.”

Beyonce is set to perform at the Miami Marlins Stadium on 26 April.

Miami Police Department has distanced itself from Ortiz’s statement, saying he does not speak for the department or the city.

They clarified that there will be an appropriate police presence at the concert.

Meanwhile, a police officer from Detroit is to be investigated for comparing Beyoncé’s Superbowl halftime dancers to the Ku Klux Klan.

It contained a photo of the dancers, and below, a picture of KKK members in white hoods.

The caption read: “If the dance troupe at the top is okay for this year’s half-time show, then the one at a bottom should be okay for next year, right?”

The uniforms of the dancers from Beyoncé’s Superbowl show have been compared to the Black Panther Party members’ outfits.

A group is planning to protest against Beyonce’s Superbowl half time performance.

The performance, which paid tribute to victims of Hurricain Katrina and Michael Jackson, and which commended the BlackLivesMatter campaign, has been branded “racist” and “hate speech” by the protest’s organisers.

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During the performance, which also featured Bruno Mars and Chris Martin of Coldplay, Beyonce’s backing dancers were dressed in all black, sporting naturally styled afro hair. The dancers’ outfits have been taken as a tribute to the Black Panther Party.

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