Republican candidates to share stage with ‘rainbow jihad’ speaker

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a pink background.

Republican presidential candidates Ted Cruz and Ben Carson are share a platform with a number of prominent anti-LGBT activists.

Both men are set to attend the National Religious Broadcasters Convention taking place this week and discuss a number of issues as part of the Presidential Candidates forum.

A number of anti-gay speakers will be returning to the conference including, Iowa radio host Steve Deace, who once described LGBT activists as “homo-fascists” bent on promoting a “Rainbow Jihad”.

Republican candidates to share stage with ‘rainbow jihad’ speaker

Three organisations, the American Family Association, Family Research Council, and Liberty Counsel, who want to recriminalise homosexuality and have been designated as “hate groups” by the Southern Poverty Law Centre, will all host exhibits too.

Ted Cruz’s father, Rafael, who previously said LGBT community will try and legalise paedophelia and that gay Boy Scouts are “potential sexual predators”, is to make “a special guest appearance” at a dinner event.

The Presidential Candidates Forum at which both men are due to speak, is to be hosted by Eric Metaxas.

Previously, he has written in defence of ‘conversion therapies’ and said that gay-inclusive churches are proof that the United States is turning into Nazi Germany.

Another panelist at the forum will be Star Parker, who described black lesbians as “a product of fatherlessness” and accused President Obama of “verbal rape”.

This year the convention will showcase a special event called “Losing the Freedom to Believe: Redefining Marriage”.

It will discuss the issues around marriage equality and will highlight “victims” of LGBT legislation, including a Kentucky T-shirt printer and a Washington state based florist, both of whom were found guilty of violating non-discrimination laws after refusing to serve LGBT people.

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