This pastor is sleeping outside for 175 nights to support LGBT rights

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The pastor says he is sleeping outside in opposition to the church’s anti-gay standpoint.

A Michigan pastor is sleeping outside every night in protest of the Methodist Church’s opposition to gay marriage and pastors.

The Rev Michael Tupper, of Parchment United Methodist Church near Kalamazoo, placed his tent outside his home on November 30 – and plans to sleep there for 175 consecutive nights.

This pastor is sleeping outside for 175 nights to support LGBT rights

“Sleeping outside because The United Methodists Church’s doors weren’t open to everyone,” reads a sign outside his tent.

Tupper – whose daughter is a lesbian – heads out to his tent every night at 9.30pm and returns home at 6.30am, reports The Kalamazoo Gazette.

“My ultimate goal is to raise awareness of the problems of discrimination and to inspire people to make a change to allow for LGBTQ persons to be married in our church and to allow LGBTQ persons to serve as pastors in our church,” he said.

Tupper has been disciplined by the church for his support of gay marriage. in the past.

In 2014, the pastor signed a marriage license for his daughter in Baltimore – which led to an investigation by the district superintendent.

Last summer, he also signed the marriage license of a gay pastor who was forced resign because he had a boyfriend.

The Michigan senate recently passed a bill that reaffirms the unconstitutional state ban on anal sex.

SB 219 – sponsored by Senator Rick Jones – would make anal and oral sex felonies punishable by up to 15 years imprisonment.

The legislation came as part of an animal protection bill, aimed at banning animal abusers from adopting pets.

This pastor is sleeping outside for 175 nights to support LGBT rights

Republicans in Michigan have repeatedly tried to force the state to violate the Constitution by ignoring the Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriage.

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