TV pastor claims God can ‘cure’ gay people because homosexuals can’t feel love

The 700 Club host Pat Robertson

TV pastor Pat Robertson has claimed that gay people aren’t capable of feeling love unless they repent their homosexual sins.

Robertson is the host of nationally-syndicated Christian show The 700 Club, which airs on the ABC Family despite the pastor’s record of on-air homophobic comments.

In a segment this week, Robertson claimed that a gay man with “full-blown AIDS” was healed when he was taken in by a Christian family who taught him about Jesus.
TV pastor claims God can ‘cure’ gay people because homosexuals can’t feel love
He said: “Robert chose the homosexual lifestyle because he craved attention from men. But along with the sexual activity came drugs, and soon Robert was facing full-blown AIDS.

“A Christian family befriended him and gave him a reason to live, and Robert was looking for acceptance… we have all these myths about homosexuality and he was just being used by people, they just wanted to take advantage and he didn’t know any better.

“He thought that what they were showing him was love when actually it was one form of lust.

“When he came free, he wasn’t ‘homosexual’, he was a person looking for love, he wanted the real thing and he got it, God gave him real love.”

Watch the clip via Right Wing Watch:

Robertson is no stranger to inflammatory comments.

He previously claimed that Christians should shun anyone who accepts gay people, advising a viewer to “stay away” from any Christians who don’t discriminate against gay people.

He said: “The Bible is very testament… the Old Testament calls it an abomination. There’s no question about it.

“To have a church saying [homosexuality] is not a sin, it’s okay, they’re leading people down the road to perdition.

“It’s a shame, but if I were you, I would stay far away from them. We love the sinner but hate the sin – but nevertheless it’s a problem.”

Robertson also previously claimed that gay people were guilty of an “organized thrust” at Christians.

He said: Homosexuals don’t just want to be left alone, now they want to come out and stick it to the Christians. #

“They’ve made it clear – it’s an organised thrust throughout this nation to force conformity.”

To paraphrase, there’s some sort of thrust, perhaps that will drive people insane.

We’re sure we’ve seen that somewhere else before.

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