Dutch city to get gay traffic lights

The Dutch city of Utrecht is to follow a number of other European cities and install ‘gay’ traffic lights.

The city council installed the lights, which feature two men and two women holding hands, at two pedestrian crossings in the city.

The city claimed the move was made to show how it would accept all forms of sexuality.

Councilman Kees Geldorf said he hoped that the lights would make people think about how they treat LGBT people.

“They show Utrecht is a many-sided city,” he said.

“And they do give cause for reflection while you are waiting for the lights to change.”

The city follows a number of Austrian cities, which introduced similar lights when the country was hosting the Eurovision Song Contest in 2015.

At the time, the far-right Austrian Freedom Party tried to have the lights removed, but the move was rejected.

It has been reported that the lights will cost around 1,200 euros each.

Utrecht was the first city in the Netherlands to have a rainbow crossing in place of a zebra one.

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