Real life villains use Batman characters to attack gay men and women

PinkNews logo surrounded by illustrated images including a rainbow, unicorn, PN sign and pride flag.

Real life anti-gay villains have used images of iconic Batman characters to attack gay men and women in Australia.

The flyers, that have been distributed in Sydney and Adelaide, feature the joker on one side and a number of ‘facts’ about gay men and women on the reverse.

Real life villains use Batman characters to attack gay men and women

The flyer claims that in Australia, 12% of gay men have HIV, 64% have Human Papiloma Virus (HPV) and they are 20 times more likely to get anal cancer.

It attacks both gay men and women saying they have higher rates of mental disorders.

Towards the bottom the leaflet provides quotes from the bible and suggests that gay men and women should repent for their “transgressions”. It also suggests that if anyone requires more information they should “read the bible”.

It’s believed the flyers had been distributed in Sydney about two days after the annual Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras, and had actually been posted directly to houses in the suburbs.

In Adelaide, the same flyers were believed to have been given out at the Kurralta Shopping Centre a few days before.

BuzzFeed reported similar flyers were distributed in June last year featuring a picture of Jack Nicolson as the Joker and stating a number of similar facts. These leaflets were also distributed in the Kurralta Shopping Centre.

As yet no group or individual has come forward to claim responsibility for the cards and police forces have confirmed they are investigating.

Real life villains use Batman characters to attack gay men and women

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