This comedian absolutely destroyed a misogynist heckler at her gig (VIDEO)

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Sometimes comedians have to deal with a lot of stick from their audiences, and most definitely have to have a thick skin and a witty comeback to hand.

Comedian Laura Lexx showed that she knows exactly how to, how would you say, completely eviscerate a sexist heckler at a recent gig in Brighton.

This comedian absolutely destroyed a misogynist heckler at her gig (VIDEO)

In the video, Lexx is greeted by the man who shouts from off-camera, who says he is “miserable” at the gig at the Krater Comedy night at Komedia.

Responding, Lexx says: “It might be your personality… Do you need help with that? We’ll cheer you up! Don’t worry,” trying to laugh off the heckles.

But later in the video she is seen battling with the man who says he expected the compere of the night to be a woman.

He says: “Oh sweetheart, you expected that it would be a man? It must be much like your sex life.”

Going on, once the laughter died down, Lexx says: “Listen, the thing about stand-up comedy is it’s like sex with your missus – it’s just better if you let her get on with it on her own.

She adds: “You know what I mean don’t you? With comedy you get into the rhythm and then you hear that voice coming out of the darkness and suddenly it is very hard to finish.”

Other retorts included: “If we could get some crayons to that side of the room, that would be lovely. The adults have gathered to hear some hilarious jokes and this guy is having a sort of breakdown.”

This comedian absolutely destroyed a misogynist heckler at her gig (VIDEO)

But as he doesn’t give up, she gives the pièce de résistance: “It’s a f*cking woman with a microphone! What’s going on! It’s 2016 mate, you’re in Brighton, c*ck off.”

You may be pleased to find out that, according to Lexx’s Facebook page, the man was ejected after the heckles.

Check out the brilliant moment below – beware it is a little NSFW, as there is some swearing… as you might have guessed:

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