Adult film star swaps movie career for village fireman

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An award-winning adult film star has ditched his international movie career for life as a village fireman.

Philipp Tanzer – also known as Logan McCree – ditched the x-rated industry for good last year, choosing to set up a massage and hairdressing parlour in the Scottish Highlands.

Adult film star swaps movie career for village fireman

Setting up home in Durness, a village of around 400 people, the 38-year-old former soldier was backed by the community to take up the part-time firefighter role.

“I did some stuff at the beginning of last year because the opportunity arose,” he said.

“But it feels like my past — it didn’t feel right any more.

“Everyone in Durness has heard about it, but I really try and help the community as much as I can and people are very grateful.

“They needed fresh blood and I was willing to help.

“They asked me if I wanted to join and I said ‘Sure, why not?’ especially since I’m my own boss. They asked the area manager and he said, ‘Yes, it doesn’t have an impact on his job’”

Philipp moved to the northern Scotland around four years ago and now lives with his two dogs.

He has said he would now like to settle down with a woman, but not if she’s only interested in him for being a fireman.

The £4,000 a year job will see Philipp form part of the local retained service and required him to attend a two week training course in Glasgow last year.

Despite now being on the job for over four months, he has yet to receive a call out.

A Scottish Fire and Rescue Service said: “The choice of primary employment for retained firefighters is entirely a matter for them.”

As Logan McCree, Philipp started his adult career in 2004 when he won Germany’s Mr Leather competition.

The German-born star went on to win a number of awards including performer of the year, best actor and best three-way.

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