Billboards take aim at Creationist ‘theme park’ that won’t hire gays

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A group of secularist campaigners have launched a billboard campaign targeting a Bible-based theme park that won’t employ gay people – which is getting huge government tax breaks.

The Kentucky ‘Ark Encounter’ park, backed by evangelical anti-LGBT preacher Ken Ham, will contain reproductions of Biblical stories including a ‘life-size’ Noah’s Ark complete with “animatronic, live and static” animals.

The park has been under construction for several years – and is finally set to open in July. It has previously attracted controversy over the huge tax breaks handed to the organisation, which will only hire people if they sign a ‘statement of faith’ banning homosexual conduct.

Employees at the park have to sign a ‘creation statement’ agreeing that God created the world 6000 years ago, as well as affirming Biblical teachings on ‘sexual morality’.

An atheist group is now taking aim at the park – running a billboard campaign jokingly advertising it as a ‘Genocide and Incest Park’.

The Tri-State Freethinkers group has raised more than $3,000 to put up several billboards near the park, bearing the slogan: ‘Genocide and Incest Park: Celebrating 2,000 years of myths’.

The park has previously faced court action over the $18 million in tax breaks that were forked over by state politicians.

Tri-State Freethinkers explained they are “advocates for equal rights and the separation of church and state”, writing on their fundraising page: “The Ark Encounter is a water park based on a representation of Noah’s Ark. They are receiving state tax incentives while maintaining their discriminatory hiring practices.”

Their troll-baiting fundraiser, which mocks many previous Christian ‘outrage’ campaigns, continues: Scheduled to open in Williamstown, Kentucky on July 7, 2016, the park celebrates a biblical parable of genocide and incest.

“While they have a legal right to celebrate their mythology, we find it immoral and highly inappropriate as family entertainment.

“Help us remind the surrounding community and potential patrons that the biblical story of Noah’s Ark is immoral and should not be encouraged as a family fun day.”

It adds: “They are portraying the story of Noah’s Ark as an actual historical event.  This is scientifically not possible.

“Help us raise awareness to this immoral story! Genocide is not a reason to celebrate. Incest is not a reason to profit.
Billboards take aim at Creationist ‘theme park’ that won’t hire gays
“When this amusement park opens to entertain children and celebrate genocide and incest, we want to spread awareness by placing our billboards in as many locations as possible. ”

The group raised $6,895 towards the billboards in just days – well in excess of their targets.

They added that the billboards could go up very soon, and discussions with advertisers are ongoing.

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