There is a Batman v Superman gay porn parody

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A gay porn parody is in the works for new superhero flick Batman V Superman.

The film, which was released this week, sees Ben Affleck take on the role of an ageing Batman, going toe-to-toe with Henry Cavill as the Man of Steel.

The pair clash repeatedly in a blockbuster brimming with macho tension – and one adult film studio appears to have interpreted that rather literally.

Adult film factory Men has unveiled the lawsuit-baiting ‘Batman V Superman: A Gay XXX Parody’ – which will come out on Friday to tie in with the film’s release.
There is a Batman v Superman gay porn parody
The parody stars Trenton Ducati as Batman, and Topher DiMaggio as Superman, who get down and dirty to try and sort out their differences.

A few stills have already been released from the parody – which we’ve amended for a safe-for-work audience.
There is a Batman v Superman gay porn parody
The studio took to Twitter to promote the film with re-imagined Batman quotes.

They wrote: “I wear a mask. And that mask is not to hide who I am, but to F**K WHO I WANT #MENBatmanVsSuperMan”
There is a Batman v Superman gay porn parody
“I will f**k him. Because he’s not our hero. He’s a silent guardian, a watchful protector. A dark knight.”

Frankly, it all feels like build-up to the eventual Justice League parody…

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