Game of Thrones producer’s wife told him: ‘Keep Jon Snow alive or turn gay’

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Actress Amanda Peet, the wife of Game of Thrones screenwriter David Benioff, has revealed her veiled threat to him over the fate of Jon Snow.

The popular character in the fantasy series, played by Kit Harington, was last seen bleeding to death after being betrayed by members of the Night’s Watch.

His fate has been unclear as the show heads into the sixth season, with Harrington and his fellow cast members insisting that Snow is dead.

But Benioff’s wife, ‘Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip’ actress Amanda Peet, has revealed the unusual threat she made over the character.

Appearing on Conan, she explained that she watches the show with the wife of co-creator DB Weiss, Andrea Troyer.

She said: “We don’t look ahead… we don’t read scripts so we’re just fans like everybody else. We watch the show like normal civilians.
Game of Thrones producer’s wife told him: ‘Keep Jon Snow alive or turn gay’
“But I started hearing ‘is something going to happen to Jon Snow?’

“I had many conversations with David where I said, ‘if you do that I’m literally not going to be here the next day! I will pack my bags and leave because I love Jon Snow! You can’t take him away because it’s just cheap and dumb!’.

“He said ‘don’t worry, don’t worry, I promise don’t worry’… and two weeks later [Jon Snow] was dead.

“He faked me out – that’s what I’m dealing with in my marriage!”

She added of finding out about the plot twist: “[When I watched the episode] first I called Andrea, and we basically staged an intervention with them.

“We said you better find a way to bring him back, I don’t care what it takes, or else you can be gay with eachother!”

Game of Thrones returns for its sixth season on April 24.

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