North Carolina Governor gets unwanted gift courtesy of LGBT activists (VIDEO)

The Governor of North Carolina has received what is probably a pretty unwanted surprise.

Protesters delivered a portaloo Governor Pat McCrory after he signed the controversial HB 2 into law.

North Carolina Governor gets unwanted gift courtesy of LGBT activists (VIDEO)

The law, which was signed by McCrory last week, voided all local ordinances in the state which had been passed to protect LGBT people.

The state passed HB2, or the Public Facilities Privacy and Security Act, in a specially called session of the House and Senate, in response to a local LGBT protections law in Charlotte.

The bill voids any existing local laws passed to protect LGBT people, as well as barring local authorities from passing new protections into law.

HB2 was signed by Governor Pat McCrory shortly after it was passed in the House and Senate, which saw Democrats walk out rather than debate the bill.

One House member last week tried to defend the bill, by claiming it was actually meant to protect trans people.

In an interview with NBC News, Governor McCrory said people’s anger was nothing more than “well coordinated political theatre” and that “no one’s rights had been taken away”.

In a remarkable contradiction, he said that it wasn’t his place or anyone in government’s place to tell businesses who they let use facilities, to then, in the same sentence, say he was doing just that in schools and colleges.

“We have the exact same rules and rights as 25 other states and all of a sudden this national political directed towards North Carolina, I think is well coordinated and more political theatre than reality,” he said.

As hundreds protested the state’s General Assembly, one group of demonstrators took to the state Capitol, dropping off a portable toilet addressed to Governor McCrory.

One of the protesters told WFMY: “Seeing as our Governor seems so concerned with our bathroom habits we’ve decided to bring him a little gift.”

North Carolina Governor gets unwanted gift courtesy of LGBT activists (VIDEO)

Check out a video of the portaloo being unloaded below:

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