See how you can help build Transgender House next to this vile anti-LGBT church

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a pink background.

A new crowdfunding effort hopes to build ‘Transgender House’ right next door to the adamantly bigoted Westboro Baptist Church.

The WBC is known for picketing the funerals of servicemen, as well as being a little too obsessed with the bedroom habits of LGBT people.

See how you can help build Transgender House next to this vile anti-LGBT church

Now Planting Peace, which started Equality House across the street from the WBC in Topeka, Kansas, is trying to raise $70,000 in order to buy the adjacent property to Equality House, and turn it into Transgender House.

The house would be painted with the design and colours of the trans flag. The Equality House has been painted in the colours for the past two Trans Days of Remembrance, but now wants to put up a permanent reminder about trans issues.

“The purpose of Planting Peace’s Equality House is to counter the actions of hate groups like the Westboro Baptist Church with love and compassion, and serve as a symbol to the LGBT community that they are not alone, that they have support from so many people,” Aaron Jackson, President of Planting Peace told the Huffington Post.

“We’ve painted the house the colours of the transgender flag each year to honour the transgender community and, specifically, those who have taken their lives because of violence and bullying. I was deeply touched when Avery visited us and said it brought her joy and gave her confidence. She inspired us to partner with her to create a symbol of support for the transgender community by expanding the Equality House and permanently painting our neighbouring house the colours of the transgender flag.”

8-year-old Avery Jackson, who is helping raise awareness of Transgender House, said: “I loved the rainbow [Equality] House when it was painted like the transgender flag.” She added, “I felt so happy and proud to be transgender. I wish people weren’t afraid of transgender people. I’m not a monster. I’m not scary. I just want to be treated like every other human.”

Planting Peace has raised over $3,300 towards the £70,000 cost of buying the house next to Equality House.

Check out how you can help fund Transgender House by clicking here. 

See how you can help build Transgender House next to this vile anti-LGBT church

Rights activists Planting Peace are renowned for their elaborate PR stunts – from creating a rainbow Pride centre opposite the Westboro Baptist Church in 2013 and holding mock gay weddings, to erecting giant billboards in the hometown of Kim Davis.

However, the group has attempted to take things to another level this month – by travelling to Antarctica and ‘claiming’ it in the name of LGBT citizens around the world.

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