Canadian PM Justin Trudeau to pose nude for gay mag’s body image campaign

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a white background.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is reportedly planning to take part in a nude photoshoot for a gay magazine, to raise awareness of body issues and testicular cancer.

The PM came to power in Canada last year and has put equality at the heart of his leadership: championing LGBT rights and feminism, appointing a diverse, expert-led gender-balanced cabinet, and making history by marching at Pride.

He has also been unafraid to make personal statements, posing in a pink shirt for an anti-homophobia campaign last month.

PinkNews has learned from sources today that Mr Trudeau plans to go one step further – and has accepted a preliminary bid from a gay magazine to feature in their upcoming naked issue, to provoke discussion about body image and testicular cancer.

Mr Trudeau will be the first world leader to appear in such a cover shoot, which will be officially announced in the coming days.

A source close to Mr Trudeau told PinkNews that the shoot would be done “tastefully”, adding: “The Prime Minister wants to set a new tone of public engagement around health issues – and he feels taking part in this long-running campaign is just one of the ways he can contribute to the discussion.”

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The shoot is pencilled in to take place next week at the Prime Minister’s official residence in Ottawa, with a world-class photographer flying in especially for the PM.

It is understood that the offer was also extended to other world leaders, including US President Barack Obama, UK Prime Minister David Cameron and EU President Jean-Claude Juncker, but none have agreed to take part.
Canadian PM Justin Trudeau to pose nude for gay mag’s body image campaign

A source close to David Cameron told PinkNews: “The Prime Minister is very passionate about men’s health issues, but he felt in this case he could do more for the public good by keeping his clothes on.”

UPDATE: Happy April Fools Day

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