Club ordered to pay $15k to trans man beaten and humiliated by security

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A trans man has been awarded damages after being attacked in a night club toilet.

Caesar Lewis and a friend were at Sugar Daddy’s Night Club in Mississauga, Canada, last year.

Club ordered to pay $15k to trans man beaten and humiliated by security

When he tried to use the men’s bathroom, he was threatened with being thrown out by a bouncer.

As a friend tried to help him, the bouncer dragged Lewis out from the cubicle with his pants around his ankles.

When the friend told the security guard that as men they were allowed to use the washroom, he became angry, reports the Toronto Sun.

“You freaks need to get your f***ing fa***t a**** out of this club… At first I was gonna just take you out of the washroom but y’all hermaphrodites need to get your disgusting a—- out of this club,” said the bouncer, the tribunal heard.

Lewis was beaten and humiliated, and dragged out of the club by his hair.

Following the “egregious conduct”, the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal ordered the club to pay Lewis $15,000.

The bouncer had said: “If you come here and use the male washroom again little girl, you and your friend will be dragged out and we’ll bring you behind the building this time.”

When Lewis asked for his jacket back from the cloakroom, he says he was backhanded across the face, before being thrown to the ground and kicked.

He left the club saying he felt like he had been hit by a car.

After being treated for concussion at hospital, Lewis filed a report with police.

Representatives from Sugar Daddy’s didn’t turn up to contest the complaint, but the club was ordered to give human rights training to all its staff.

Club ordered to pay $15k to trans man beaten and humiliated by security

Vice-chair Alison Renton said she would have awarded more to Lewis if she had been able.

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