‘Traditional marriage’ backer Ted Cruz denies cheating on wife with infamous DC prostitute

‘Traditional marriage’ champion Ted Cruz has denied ever cheating on his wife, after reports he was listed as a client of an infamous DC prostitute.

Gossip sites today reported that the right-wing Republican Presidential hopeful was listed in the black book of a popular escort known as the ‘DC Madam’, who died mysteriously in 2008 after details of many of her clients were made public.

A number of senior politicians from both parties were allegedly clients of the Madam, real name Deborah Jeane Palfrey, but allegations have now emerged that Texas Senator Ted Cruz was among those listed.

Presidential hopeful Cruz has always made his marriage to wife Heidi the cornerstone of his ‘traditional values’ platform as he rallies against LGBT rights and marriage equality.

But the candidate – who has faced questions over his ties to pastors who call for gays to be put to death – has now found his own marriage dubbed less-than-sacred, after the Daily Mail reported claims that he was named in the Madam’s records.

Senator Cruz insisted on Fox News: “I have always been faithful to my wife.”

Asked if he had committed adultery, he said: “I have not… that attack was complete and utter garbage. It was complete lies.”

It’s the second time in recent weeks that allegations of infidelity have surfaced.

He last month dismissed supermarket tabloid claims that he has had extramarital affairs with as many as five women.

Cruz said at the time: “This story is garbage. It is complete and utter lies, it is a tabloid smear, and it is a smear that has come from Donald Trump and his henchmen.”
‘Traditional marriage’ backer Ted Cruz denies cheating on wife with infamous DC prostitute
However, some have picked at his ultra-precise wording – Senator Cruz has not completely ruled out having sexual relations outside of marriage, which is the standard he holds others too.

Senator Cruz tied the knot in 2001 – while the DC Madam’s records date back to the 1990s.

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