Watch: Honey Maid champion diversity and acceptance in emotional TV ad

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Cracker brand Honey Maid has continued to push for inclusivity and tolerance its new TV ad.

The brand has consistently championed diversity through its ‘This is Wholesome’ campaign, which first launched in 2014 featuring a range of families including same-sex couples:

The clip attracted the ire of right-wingers, with campaign group ‘One Million Moms’ (who have 3000 majority-male follows on Twitter) calling for a boycott and a TV host claiming they had ‘angered God’.

Honey Maid turned the controversy into a second viral hit – printing out all the abusive messages they have received and arranging them to spell the word ‘Love’:

The brand released the latest instalment in the ad series this week – featuring a Muslim-American woman who becomes friends with her neighbour.

She recalled: “The first day you go out of your house you’re worried. Is anybody staring at you? Is anybody looking?”

The neighbour adds: “I didn’t know anything about her culture – only what I saw in the news.”

However, the pair are shown bonding around their families (and presumed mutual love of crackers).

They add: “I was kind of scared of how she was going to accept me but then our girls brought us together. What we share is the thing that matters most.”

Three Thousand Twitter Dudes complained previously: “Nabisco should be ashamed of themselves for their latest Honey Maid and Teddy Graham cracker commercial where they attempt to normalize sin.

“Right away it shows two men with a baby, followed by other families, and ends with different families pictured including the one with two dads. This commercial not only promotes homosexuality, but then calls the scene in the advertisement wholesome.

“The ad states, ‘Everyday wholesome snacks for every wholesome family. This is wholesome.’

“One Million Moms stands up for Biblical truth which is very clear in Romans 1:26-27 about this particular type of sexual perversion.

“Honey Maid is also using the hashtag #thisiswholesome. There is concern about the way this ad is pushing the LGBT agenda, but an even greater concern is the way that they are changing the meaning of the word “wholesome.”

“This is truly sad. If this is what Honey Maid thinks is wholesome, then my family will no longer purchase Honey Maid or Nabisco products.”

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